Irina Stepanov Speaks at the UofM Institute for Global Cancer Prevention
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Irina Stepanov, professor at the UMN School of Public Health (SPH) and Tobacco Research Programs' faculty member speaks on being chosen by the WHO to host the 2023 meeting of the Tobacco Laboratory Network.
Filter Ventilation: A Means of Modification to Bypass FDA Authorization
Friday April 7, 2023
Dr. Dorothy Hatsukami and Dr. Irina Stepanov discuss the tactics that companies may use when modifying tobacco products and their recommendations to the FDA.
Longitudinal Study under Dr. Dorothy Hatsukami and Dr.Stephen Hecht Highlights the Dangers of E-cigarette use
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Their longitudinal study found a significantly higher uptake of the carcinogen acrolein in the urine of e-cigarette users compared to nonsmokers.
American Cancer Society's Article on COVID-19 and Tobacco Use
Thursday, April 16th, 2020
Dr Jeffrey Drope from the American Cancer Society has posted an article titled "What We Know about Tobacco Use and COVID-19" on their website to answer the most common questions around the connection between tobacco use and COVID-19. The information is drawn from early studies from China and Italy where male smokers have shown a higher hospitalization rate for COVID-19-related illness.
Vaping Article in UofM Alumni Association's Discovery Magazine
Wednesday, April 15th, 2020
Congratulations to Dr Irina Stepanov, Assistant Professor in the UofM Division of Environmental Health Science at the School of Public Heatlh, for the article in this month's UofM Alumni Association's Discovery publication!
Alert to Current Vaping Health Concerns
Monday, September 23rd, 2019
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and several states, and federal health departments are investigating a multi-state outbreak of severe lung disease associated with using e-cigarette/vaping products. The investigation is ongoing and has not identified a cause, but all cases have reported use of vaping devices. The majority of patients have reported vaping cannabis oil, such as THC, obtained on the black market or other sources. In addition, most of those samples with THC tested also contained significant amounts of vitamin E acetate. Vitamin E acetate is a substance present in topical consumer products or dietary supplements, but data are limited about its effects after inhalation.
The FDA has advised consumers to protect themselves by not using vaping products of any kind obtained off the street and to refrain from using THC oil or modifying/adding any substance to vaping products purchased at stores.
To date, the investigation has not identified any single substance or e-cigarette product that has been consistently associated with illness. While this investigation is ongoing, if you are concerned about the health risks, consider not using e-cigarette products.
If you continue to use vaping device/e-cigarette products, you should watch for unexpected symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, fever, weight loss) and promptly seek medical attention for any health concerns. The FDA also encourages you to report this information, including providing any associated product, to your state or local health departments. Reporting to your state or health departments is crucial as federal and state partners work together to have accurate case identification and reported case counts. For more information regarding state and local health department directories, please refer to:
You can also call your local poison control center at 1-800-222-1222.
For additional information, please visit the following websites:
CDC: Outbreak of Lung Illness Associated with Using E-cigarette Products
FDA: Lung Illnesses Associated with Use of Vaping Products
U of M Expert: Vaping's Possible Connection to Lung Disease
Dr. Irina Stepanov from the Tobacco Research Programs discusses the recent reports of vaping-related lung diseases.
Heated Tobacco Devices--What Are They & How Do They Work
Check out this Q&A with Dr. Irina Stepanov from the Tobacco Research Programs!