Tobacco Related Biomarkers

What is the purpose of the study?

To maintain a biorepository (sample bank) of biological samples from different tobacco users and non-users to investigate how tobacco and nicotine products affect our bodies.  

Researchers will look for biological “markers” (biomarkers), or chemical changes in the body, that occur due to tobacco or nicotine exposure. The goal is to eventually use these biomarkers to improve detection, prevention, and treatment strategies for tobacco-related diseases.

How often are the clinic visits?

You will attend 1 visit at the 717 Delaware Clinical Research Unit (DCRU) that will last about 1 hour. Additional visits may be possible if more samples are needed and you are interested.  

What will I be doing in the study?

You will be asked to fill out questionnaires about your demographics, medical and medication history, plus tobacco and alcohol use history. 

You will have your height and weight measured and take a carbon monoxide (CO) breath test. You will provide a urine, saliva, oral cell, cheek cell samples, and maybe blood. 

Will I be compensated?

Participants will be compensated based on the samples you provide. Individuals who provide saliva, mouth cells, cheek cells, and urine will receive $50 at the end of their visit. 

What should I do if I have any questions?

If you would like to learn more about this study or to find out if you qualify, please call 612-624-4566 or e-mail [email protected]

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